how to earn money from Google Adsense

how to earn money from Google Adsense

Today we are going to talk about how to earn money from INTERNET , although there are many ways to earn money on the Internet,but today we will talk about the most popular way.Today we will talk about how to earn money from Google Adsense and how to deposit payment from Google Adsense.

In today’s time, everyone wants to earn online sitting at home and Google Adsense gives the most important contribution in this online earning, so it is important to know how to earn money from Google Adsense.

First of all, to make money from Google Adsense, you must have a Blogs / Websites or YouTube channel. Through which you can apply Google’s AIDS on your blog / website or YouTube channel.

For this, you can send a request for AdSense approval, as soon as your request is approved for Google AdSense account. After that you can create Google’s AIDS unit and put it on your Blogs / Websites or YouTube channel.

Whenever a user clicks on the ads you have placed, you will get his money according to the click on the cost of AIDS. For this, first you will need to bring more and more traffic to your blog, the more traffic on your blog, the more you will earn from AdSense.

Many people still have a question that how much money they can earn from Google Adsense, my answer will be that you can earn as much or unlimited money as you want. It depends on your traffic, the more traffic, the more money you will earn.

Now the question arises how to bring maximum traffic. What to do so that more and more readers or users come to our Blogs / Websites or Youtube channel and earn maximum money.

To earn Google Adsense Se Paise, you have to follow some rules of Google Adsense. If we do not follow the rules of Google Adsense, then our AdSense account can also be suspended, so to increase the traffic of your Blogs / Website and for earning. It is very important to follow the rules of Google, know how to earn money from Google Adsense

1. Youtube / Blogs / Websites

These two platforms are from Google and WordPress, using them, we can make money with the help of Google Adsense, we do not need any kind of investment to make money with Google Adsense. But to earn money from AdSense, you need
You will have to work hard to get traffic and you have to keep patience.

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1 .1 Youtube

how to earn money from Google Adsense – Youtube is a very big platform of Google, there are millions of videos available all over the world, anyone can create a channel on YouTube and put their information or skill in front of people through video.
The more people watch our videos on YouTube, the more money we get. Everyone can earn money on YouTube. You can also earn money sitting at home from YouTube, for that you will have to do some tasks – like

First of all we have to login to YouTube with our Gmail Id, after that we have to create our own channel on Youtube which can be related to the topic on which you will put the video. For example on travel, cooking recipes or technology.

After that you have to upload videos on your YouTube channel which you have created yourself, you will need a mobile phone or video recorder to make videos. With which you have to record the video. Then upload that video to your YouTube channel. You can bring more traffic by sharing your YouTube channel on social media. Such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.

As your channel on YouTube gradually grows, after that as soon as 10 thousand views are completed on your channel, then you can monetize your channel. After enabling monetization, you will have to link your Youtbe Account to Google Adsense Account.

As soon as Google Adsense Account Approved on your channel. After that you can put Ads Unit on your Youtube channel, after that Earning from your Youtube will start.

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1.2 Blogs / Websites

how to earn money from Google Adsense– Blogger is also a free service from Google, in which you can create a blog for free, but WordPress is a paid service for blogs and websites. A blog can be about any subject like – HEALTH, TECHNOLOGY, Traveling or any other It can also be about the subject.

If you want to become a successful blogger, then write on such a subject, in which you have interest in which you can explain to the people well. Whose language is simple and easy to understand, then when your blog will gradually become popular. If traffic starts coming on him, then you apply for Google Adsense Account on him, after that Google’s Ad Show will start happening on your blog. Which will start your income.
To earn money from Blogger you have to do some tasks – like

First of all, you have to login with your Gmail Id by going to Blogger or WordPress website, after that you have to create a blog of your own. Which can be on your favorite name or any topic.

After that you have to write at least one article on your blog every day and every post should be at least 800 -1000 words or above, keep one thing in mind that you do not have to copy-paste any post. Write it yourself. Keep in mind that any post that is against the policy of Google should not be written.

To get maximum traffic on your blog, share your blog on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc., you should make your blog page on Facebook, PinTest so that your readers grow quickly and more and more people see your posts.

Come on guys, now you understand how to earn money from Google AdSense. But now a question may be arising in your mind that how to take payment from Google AdSense, now we know about it –

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2. How to pay with Google AdSense

Google Adsense payment is different in different countries. Click on cost of each country is also different. Google Adsense Eft Transfer, Pay with Check and Western Union Quick Cash also.

Now we do not talk about different countries, our countries talk about India and will know how to take payment from Google Adsense in India.
If your Google Adsense Account has been approved but you do not know how to take payment from Google Adsense, then let’s know –

First of all, we have to login to Adsense Account, then select Payments, click on Manage Payment Methods at the bottom of the payment page. Then click on Add Payment Method of Payment.

Then a new window will open in which you have to fill all the information of your Bank Account, such as – Account Holder Name, Bank Name, Ifsc Code, Swift Bic, Account Number.

To get IFSC Code and Swift Bic Code, you can search on Google. You will find it there or you can find it by calling Customer Care.

After filling all the information, click on Save Payments. Now money will come direct in your bank account.

How did you like our post today? Today we learned how to earn money from Google Adsense and how to pay with Google Adsense. Hope you have liked this post and you will also get answers to many questions related to Google Adsense.

If you still have any questions in your mind, then you must tell us by commenting in the comment box.

About Deepak daga 17 Articles
I am a full-time blogger and content writer I have four blogs. this blog name / this blog niches make money online, blogging, google Adsense, Seo.

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